Institute of Knowledge and Development
The IKnowD, Institute of Knowledge and Development is a non-profit organisation with a strong will to help scientific and societal development, through spreading research results and supporting science.
The IKnowD, Institute of Knowledge and Development has a strong will to contribute to Knowledge and Development of Individuals and consequently, the society.
At country level, there is usually investment on research and development through institutional organisations. IKnowD gives a contribution to development at a different level, the individual one, as a way to achieve societal development. We believe individuals are a key part for the development and balance of societies and this is why even a small contribution is relevant for a brighter future.
Our principles
- Open access to all our papers(except where under agreement with other organisations with different policies such as the IEEE). We believe in spreading knowledge to obtain fast development so all our papers will be freely available on-line.
- Indexing of papers in widespread databases. This is why we are using Scopus.
- Fighting against plagiarism, unchecked papers and poor research. We implement high quality reviewing with only PhD holders as reviewers and we use plagiarism checking for all our publications.